Tribute Wall
M. Kierstyn Gonzalez lit a candle
Friday, July 31, 2020
Dr. Jane DeRook and the Guilderland Ballet will forever be fondly looked upon in regards to my childhood. My love for dance and the arts never dimmed thanks to the passion and hard work Dr. DeRook placed into the success of the Ballet. I remember at one of my recitals, recognizing she and I had a close relationship as she would speak to me often and I wouldn't then know how much I'd come to cherish those times. She and I saw alone in the auditorium where we could see the stage, she and I talked about ballet, the recital and the beauty of dancing. While I can't remember the entire conversation, her wisdom and fondness of my love for dance always made me feel welcomed and happy to dance there. In that moment I was very glad to both know her and be part of something that mattered the world to me. To be part of the Guilderland Ballet and to have know Dr. DeRook is a rare and lovely opportunity. I admired all she did and still to this day visit the deserted studio as I remember my childhood. I wish all could have experienced the Guilderland Ballet and to have met someone as wonderful as Dr. DeRook. Sending condolences to her family and loved ones, she is truly a wonderful person.
Frances DeRook posted a condolence
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Hartelijk bedankt, Sipke, voor je vriendelijke worden. Jij kende ons moeder lang voor dat ze ons moeder was! En Ik herinner me nog heel goed de vakantie met jou en Johan. Ja, dat was nog wat!
Sipke Dijkstra posted a condolence
Friday, May 29, 2020
Frances, Nancy en Laurence.
Allereerst gecondoleerd met het overlijden van jullie moeder. Het onvermijdelijke zat er aan te komen. Het lukte de laatste tijd helaas niet meer om contact te maken met jullie moeder. Ik zal me haar herinneren zoals ze was, altijd positief en vol energie. Ondanks het feit dat het ongeluk met oom Frans haar erg heeft geraakt heeft ze tot op hoge leeftijd de praktijk draaiende gehouden.
Hierna nog wat herinneringen van dingen die ik samen met jullie en haar heb meegemaakt:
Lieve tante Jane, zo begonnen wij onze brief op zo'n dun luchtpost velletje wat op het postkantoor werd voorzien van stickers "PRIORITY" en "AIRMAIL". Een enveloppe was niet nodig want door de hoeken om te vouwen zat de tekst aan de binnenkant en de adreszijde aan de buitenkant. Als we dan antwoord kregen waren nagenoeg alle beschrijfbare vlakken volgeschreven in het duidelijk herkenbare handschrift van tante Jane. Zo bleven wij op de hoogte van het reilen en zeilen aan de overkant van de oceaan. Het was voor ons iets wat tot de verbeelding sprak: een toekomst opbouwen in een land met nagenoeg onbegrensde mogelijkheden. Maar met een afgeronde Nederlandse medische opleiding was zonder meer starten er niet bij. De hiervoor behulpzame contacten werden vrienden voor het leven. Mijn moeder zag toen de USA als het land van de "american dream" wat in sterk contrast stond met het overgereguleerde Nederland.
Mijn vroegste herinneringen gaan terug naar het Zuiderdiep in Groningen. Ik logeerde daar wel eens bij oma en opa van Diermen. De kamer waar ik sliep was nog geheel ingericht als de studentenkamer in de tijd dat tante Jane in Groningen studeerde. Ik meen mij te herinneren dat oma en opa destijds van Hilversum naar Groningen verhuisd zijn in verband met de studie van tante Jane. Ik weet nog dat tante Jane een angstaanjagende grote spuit bij zich had om mijn oren uit te spuiten. Of het serieus bedoeld weet ik nog steeds niet, maar ik heb het niet afgewacht en ben onder het bed van oma en opa gevlucht.
Op 12 jarige leeftijd (1960) heb ik een half jaar bij tante Jane en oom Frans gelogeerd. Er werd toen regelmatig verhuist . Ik herinner me plaatsen zoals Peekskil, Youngstown en het Erie Meer en een wit houten huis met een veranda en een los staande garage. Het was een bijzondere ervaring voor mij: de grote blokken ijs voor de koelkast van de boot die je uit een automaat kon halen en met een soort haak moest optillen en melk verpakt in karton!, benzine voor 28 cent per gallon en een mega softijs van 0,25 cent!. En ook de bobslee waarmee ik in een afgrond crashte en toen weer een nieuwe kreeg.
Geruime tijd later, ik denk dat het begin 70 er jaren moet het zijn geweest, heb ik samen met Johan nog een vakantie in Albany doorgebracht. Ik herinner me met name de tocht met de zeilboot met de hele familie over de Hudson, New York, Long Island Sound die onverwacht eindigde in Newport. Over het verdere verloop van de tocht na Newport kan ik mij niets meer herinneren.
Al die tijd was tante Jane in positieve zin aanwezig, altijd energiek, zonder stress momenten, althans dat is wat ik me herinner. Dit in contrast met mijn moeder die eigenlijk steeds meer depressief en ontevreden over haar eigen leven werd. Ik weet nog dat met kerstmis altijd een grote doos met cadeaus uit America kwam. Vooral de aluminium dinkey toys die maakten indruk. Zelfs aan de kinderen van de overburen werd gedacht.
Het is alweer bijna 2 jaar geleden dat ik voor het laatst telefonisch contact met haar had. Ik weet nog dat ik toen beloofde het destijds door haar geschreven dagboek over de tochten naar Friesland in de Hongerwinter zou opsturen. Ik hoop dat ze er nog iets van heeft kunnen lezen.
Lieve tante Jane rust zacht. Sipko
Donna George Storey posted a condolence
Thursday, May 28, 2020
I was very sorry to hear of Dr. Jane DeRook’s passing, but very much appreciated learning more about her pioneering efforts as a female physician in the 1950s and her continuing support of the arts in Guilderland. I first met the Drs. DeRook when I was in middle school and I went to their cozy home for “play dates” with their daughter Frances. As others have mentioned, the DeRooks’ warm hospitality and encouragement of intellectual discussion, even with tween, really impressed me. In those early days of “women’s liberation,” I was inspired by Dr. Jane’s professional accomplishments and her unflagging energy in supporting her children’s many activities including ballet and horseback riding.
My fondest memory of Dr. Jane was when she, Frances, and Nancy came to visit my family after my father was transferred for his work to Washington, D.C. I accompanied our guests on several sightseeing trips in the area and in the relaxed setting, I came to appreciate that “Frances’s mom” was a really cool person with a great sense of humor and keen insights. I always felt I learned something from our conversations—and always felt respected as an equal in spite of my youth.
“...Even how you live your life can be a gift to others.” I thought of Dr. Jane when I came across these words in Rebecca Solnit’s recent memoir. Her warmth, care, and intelligence were indeed gifts she gave to so many in her community, and I send my deepest condolences to Frances, Laurence, and Nancy.
Patricia Mackey posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Dear Laurence, Frances, Nancy and family members, I am so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. She was an incredible human being who had a talent for her medical practice that has been surpassed by none. She also had an incredibly open and loving heart, a bright smile, a sense of humor and an all encompassing interest in the world around her. When I first met her in 1973 she and your father worked as a team. He diagnosed me with rheumatoid arthritis in his office even before the inevitable confirming blood test. He made his patients feel comfortable with their own bodies. When he passed, your mom took me on as her patient and she helped me until the year she retired. Her talent for asking the questions that would ferret out your malady while also discerning your mental and emotional state made her a superior doctor. She had extended hours and took patients in on the same day as when they called if they were really feeling horrible. Each visit started with the medical exam and ended with a conversation about animals, the ballet, the difficulty of obtaining performance spaces, the state of education, the lack of discipline in children, what had recently been read in Smithsonian magazine, how to cook kale, world politics. She treated people not only as patients but also as friends. She taught common sense procedures for maintaining health that I still practice today. I hope it gives you some solace to know that she was beloved by many beyond your immediate family. May your memories of her wit, her great love of life, and her capacity to get things done both comfort you and inspire you
Joan and Ray Fletcher posted a condolence
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Dear Nancy, Frances, Laurence and Tony.
The obituary was such a fine tribute to your mother. It was my good fortune to become a friend of your family through my work at the house and the Guilderland Ballet. Visiting your home was always uplifting and so enjoyable to be welcomed into the daily happenings. Lunch hour was a good time to visit for coffee and enthusiastic conversation. Jane would freely give of her expertise and encouragement when needed. Jane’s quiet way would bring people to her way of thinking and then make things happen with commitment and hard work. Jane’s gentle warmth remains in our hearts.
Please accept our condolences.
Joan and Ray Fletcher
Mair & Colin Howells posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Dear Frances, Nancy & Laurence,
Please accept our sincere sympathy upon the loss of your Mother. She was an amazingly brilliant doctor and her knowledge was immeasurable. She always took the time to know her patients and would make them feel comfortable when they asked questions. A visit to the office felt like being with a friend, and Dr. Jane was always in tune with her patients hobbies and interests, especially the arts and of course her love of animals. She would always be happy to talk about these things over a cup of coffee and a selection of Dunkin Donuts.
It was a pleasure meeting Doctor. Jane for the first time many years ago when she brought the three of you as young children to Doctor. Thomas Mottolese’s dental practice, and after that the whole De. Rook family became patients. Your parents were so proud of all of you and your accomplishments and especially the fact that their daughters graced the world of ballet, and their son inherited his love of boats and the sea from his father.
After meeting your parents we became patients of theirs for many years and they were a very unique team providing dedicated care and genuine support for everyone in their practice. They touched the lives of many people and made such a remarkable difference in this world. Your parents are truly missed by so many people.
Ingrid Newkirk, president, PETA posted a condolence
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
We send our wishes for strength in sorrow and only happy memories to Dr DeRook's daughter, son-in-law, and all who loved and respected her. She will be missed as a kind, bright soul who understood that exploitation is abhorrent, and that the struggle against bullying of others is based on a principle not on the identify of the victim. Animals need all the friends they can get in this world, and she was certainly one of them. Condolences from all at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA)
Judy and Edward Lind posted a condolence
Monday, May 25, 2020
We just want to tell you how much Jane's hard work and tireless commitment to quality dance programs in Guilderland meant to our family. Our 3 girls were able to receive the best dance instruction, motivating them to continue to make dance a major part of their life to this day. . And I will always be grateful for the opportunity to teach the younger students. Jane graciously allowed me lots of freedom and support to create a curriculum I was comfortable with. Our family's life in Guilderland will always be connected to her amazing legacy of support for the arts.
Judy and Ted Lind
Paula Verbeem posted a condolence
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Ongeveer twee jaar geleden kreeg ik van Sipke een verhaal, dat tante Jeanne vlak na de oorlog geschreven heeft over de hongerwinter. Het verhaal was bijna 80 pagina's dik, getypt op een oude typemachine. Ik heb het verhaal aan mijn dochters Emma en Iris voorgelezen. Jeanne schreef over de fietstochten die zij samen met Nancy ondernam naar Friesland om eten te kopen. Het was koud, nat en er waren veel lekke banden. Ook troffen zij veel gastvrije mensen onderweg, waar ze te eten kregen en mochten overnachten. Op de weg terug naar Amsterdam, per schip, waren ze heel stoer toen ze bij een controle door de Duitsers de voedselvoorraad veilig stelden. Nancy leerde in Friesland Atze Dijkstra, mijn pake, kennen en is later met hem getrouwd. Jeanne kon mooi schrijven. Ook kan ik me herinneren van de paar keer dat ik haar gezien en gesproken heb dat ze heel aardig en geïnteresseerd was.
Paula Verbeem (Dijkstra)
Julie Gale posted a condolence
Sunday, May 24, 2020
As a teacher at Guilderland Ballet for a number of years I will always remember Dr De Rook in the studio observing classes and rehearsals. Her passion for dance was
felt by all who walked through the studio doors. A truly great lady. Julie Gale
barry oblas posted a condolence
Sunday, May 24, 2020
So very sorry to hear about Jane. In the turbulent 1960's I was a graduate student at SUNY Albany when I first became a patient of Dr. Frank DeRook, and then slowly over time I was fortunate enough to become a family friend of Frank, Jane, and their three children.
When I say fortunate, I don't use that term loosely. The DeRook's almost became a home away from home; I shared many evenings with Frank and Jane discussing the political turmoil of the times, along with fascinating and stimulating conversations about art, film, and literature. The meals were wonderful and the conversations even better.
I can say with all honesty and without hesitation that my relationship with the DeRook's was so important to me at the time and the relationship just got better with time. Those wonderful memories are embedded in my brain, and I will always cherish them.
Sincere condolences to Frances Anne, Nancy and Lawrence
Barry Oblas
Frances DeRook uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, May 24, 2020
My mom was a physician in the days when the profession In this country had few women. This photo is from her early days in the US in the 50’s. As a resident she wore all white (including the shoes) and slept in the nurses’ quarters since there were no other female physicians. She always remembered fondly the fun she had with the nurses. They laughed a lot and had social gatherings. They made her and my dad feel very welcome. I think her stories about the camaraderie she felt had a lot to do with my decision to pursue medicine as a career.
Kenneth Todorov, McLean, VA lit a candle
Sunday, May 24, 2020
We remember Jane as a kind and compassionate person and leader for the arts in her community. Sending condolences and wishes for peace and comfort.
Joanne Fischer Cadalso posted a condolence
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Both of your parents were our drs for probably 25 yrs. my mom Linda taught I believe you three kids how to swim. Loved your parents!! They were the best!
Marilyn Schmidt posted a condolence
Sunday, May 24, 2020
So sorry to hear this news. I remember her from Guilderland Ballet days, and as our personal physician. What a great lady!! My condolences to all family and friends,
Carmela lit a candle
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Dr. DeRook, my dear friend Jane, guided me through many of the greatest and most difficult times in my life. She continues to fill my mind and heart with many loving memories. Peace and Love to all, Carmela
The family of Jane E. DeRook, MD uploaded a photo
Saturday, May 23, 2020
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