Celebration of Life
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Friday, May 19, 2023
Brunswick Community Center
18 Keyes Lane
TROY, New York, United States

Obituary of Michael John Clark
Michael John Clark, 65, of the Town of Brunswick, New York, passed peacefully at home on Monday, May 15, 2023, surrounded with humor, love, and acceptance. Mike had been battling kidney disease for around 10 years and was ready to rest eternally.
Born on June 15, 1957, in Altoona, PA. He is predeceased by his parents Theodore and Phyllis Clark. He is survived by his children; Edwin Michael (Charlene) Clark of Pleasant Valley, NY, Christopher Stephen (Christina) Clark of Whiteville, NC, and Rebecca Ann (Jason) DelGaizo of Brunswick, NY. He is also survived by his grandchildren; Gavin, Kaleb, and Bentley Clark and his siblings, Cheryl Clark, Florida, and Scott (Jodi) Clark, Caroga Lake, NY. He is the proud fur Papa to Boo, Tiger, Pearl, and Sophie.
Michael grew up in Hyde Park, NY and graduated from Franklin D Roosevelt High School. During his childhood, his greatest memories include summers at the family camp at Mountain Lake and spending time with his favorite Aunt Linda. Mike always thought he was a ladies’ man and tried to prove it by getting married (and divorced) 3 times. As high school sweeties, he married Carol Athanas and had 3 children. After divorcing and remarrying for the 2nd time, he moved to North Carolina in the early 90’s. Mike enjoyed work that included heavy machinery or driving trucks. Mike was a dreamer of dreamers, always living above his means. He wasn’t scared of anything yet was a very sensitive man.He was the biggest and baddest at everything. Mike was a Harley Davidson diehard and owned many bikes during his lifetime. If there was an easy way, that was Mike’s way, and wondered why it didn’t work out. He was the KING of a bad deal, you know, buy high and sell low. He was full of ideas of how to fix things, often suggesting “just put a hole in it” or “fix it with caulk and molding”. After several years living in Whiteville, NC with help from his son Chris and wife Christina, his daughter Rebecca and son-in-law Jason asked him to move into their home. They went into the living arrangement knowing Mike would finish out his life at home.
During the last 5 ½ years living in Brunswick, NY, he lived like a king. Some of his greatest memories include watching ZZ Top in concert at the NYS Fair, watching the annual Schenectady Holiday Parade, going on motorcycle rides with Ed, Charlene, Rebecca, and others, and watching races at Fonda Speedway. He was an avid Jack and Ronnie Johnson fan. Living with Rebecca and Jason was full of challenges and growth. Mike was an absent father for many years but the last 5 ½ years have been some of the best years for both of them. They healed deep wounds and became best friends. Learning to ask (and receive) help from your youngest and her husband is a tough pill to swallow. Mike is eternally thankful to Jason and Rebecca for everything they did to give him a great life. Rebecca and Mike enjoyed shopping, watching AFV on Sunday nights, and playing with the kitties. He enjoyed anything that gave back to the community. Making food to donate during the pandemic, collecting items for Ukraine, enjoying food fundraisers, and “adopting” seniors for the holidays, were ways he would give back. Michael is appreciative of the respect and care he received from Fresenius Dialysis Center, Palliative Care Partners, and The Community Hospice, as well as the emergency services provided by Brunswick Fire Co. No. 1 and Mohawk Ambulance Service. A donation to Brunswick Fire Co. No.1 has been made in his honor. His last wish is for Rebecca to become Brunswick’s Town Clerk in November. Mike’s motto was “could’ve, would’ve, should’ve” yet he died with no regrets.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to Brunswick Fire Co. No. 1.
Cremation has taken place through the care of Simple Choices, Inc.
A Celebration of Life event will be held on Friday, May 19, 2023, from 4-7 pm at the Brunswick Community Center located at 18 Keyes Lane, Troy, NY 12180.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared with the Clark Family, online at: SimpleChoicesCremation.com